Frequently Asked Questions

Who does the closing?

At our company, we believe in providing the highest standard of service to our clients. That's why we only conduct our property closing with either Title Companies or Title Attorneys, depending on the state in which the vacant land is located. By working with experienced professionals in the field, we can ensure that all legal requirements are met and the title transfer process is handled efficiently and effectively. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction is what sets us apart and makes us a trusted choice for property owners and buyers.

Can I sign the Deed at the Attorney Office?

We understand the importance of convenience and flexibility for our customers. That's why we offer the option for customers to sign the deed directly at the Title Company or Attorney Office. We will provide them with the necessary information, including the address and contact details, so that they can easily schedule an appointment to complete the signing process. This option eliminates the need for additional steps or intermediaries and ensures a smooth and straightforward closing experience for our customers.

Do you provide Remote Closing?

Our Title Company or Title Attorney is equipped to provide the option of remote closing for our customers. This process allows for a convenient and secure transfer of property ownership, without the need for a physical visit to the office. The only physical action in this case requires you to notarize the Deed in your local Post Office. In some cases we can even organize a mobile notary that comes to your place. 

By offering remote closing, we aim to make the title transfer process as seamless and stress-free as possible for our customers.

Will you pay my Back Taxes!

In the case of a purchase, we cover the backtaxes for the property. This means that that all outstanding taxes on the property will be taken care of, and you will not have to worry about any unexpected costs or fees associated with the ownership transfer.

I inherited land. Can I sell it?

Yes, you can sell the property. However, you may need to consider various legal implications, such as distribution among other inheritors, before doing so. Usually Probate is required when the owner of the property dies and the property is part of their estate. The purpose of probate is to transfer ownership of the property from the deceased to the beneficiaries named in their will or, if there is no will, according to state law.

Do you pay all of the closing fees?

We guarantee to cover all of the closing costs for the property. Our goal is to make the process for you as seamless and stress-free as possible and our commitment to covering all closing costs is just one of the ways in which we demonstrate that. 

I share the ownership with my sibling(s) or other relative(s). Can I sell it?

Selling a shared vacant land can be a more complex process because all parties owning the property have to agree to sell it. All involved people (Co-owners) must sign the Sale Agreement, and eventually the Deed, in order to transfer ownership to the buyer. Our team and Title Company are knowledgeable in these types of transactions and will work with all parties involved to ensure that the process is smooth and efficient. 

How fast can you close?

The closure depends on couple of factors, but we do our best to be efficient and fast! We'll conduct our Due Diligence process on the property during which we will examine the property & all relevant information related to the property. Assuming there are no Title Issues, the Title Company usually takes from several weeks up to a month to close. This is usually a sufficient amount of time to ensure property transfer is smooth and successful. 

Which information do you require from me?

After we initiated the sale process, we'll share with you a short questionnaire about the land property. It's absolutely optional and includes only few basic questions. Should you choose to answer it you will definitely ease our due diligence journey. And no worries if you have never seen the property and don't have much information about it, we keep no grudgaes. 

What is Probate

How Does it Work.

Probate is a legal process that involves the distribution of a deceased person's assets to their beneficiaries according to the terms of their will or state law.


Probate can be complex and time-consuming. The first step in the probate process is to appoint an executor, also known as a personal representative. The executor oversees the administration of the estate and ensures that the deceased person's debts and taxes are paid and their assets are distributed according to their will or state law.


If the deceased person had a will, the executor will begin the probate process by filing it with the appropriate probate court. The court will then issue an order that officially appoints the executor and authorizes them to take control of the deceased person's assets.

Asset Inventory

The next step in the probate process is to inventory the deceased person's assets. This includes all of their property such as financial accounts and other assets. The executor is responsible for collecting and cataloging these assets and determining their value for tax purposes.

Once the assets have been inventoried, the executor must pay any debts or taxes that are owed by the deceased person. This includes outstanding bills, mortgages, other debts, as well as any taxes that are owed to the state or federal government.

Finally, once the debts and taxes have been paid, then he/she will distribute the remaining assets to the beneficiaries named in the will. This is typically done according to the instructions set out in the will. The executor is responsible to make sure that each beneficiary receives their share of the estate. This is the moment when inherited land can be sold.

Probate can take several months or even up to years to complete. It can be quite expensive, as there are court and administrative fees that must be paid, as well as the cost of hiring an attorney to assist with the process.

Therefore, it is advisable to avoid probate by setting up a trust or using other estate planning tools. By doing so, one can ensure that their assets are distributed according to ones wishes without going through the probate process.

Can a Small Estate Help You to Sell a Vacant Land

If you inherited land but have no will? Sometimes you can benefit from the Small Estate to sell the land faster. 

A small estate is a type of estate that is typically easier and quicker to administer than a larger estate. The specificity of small estate varies from state to state, but it typically refers to an estate with a value that is below a certain threshold, such as $25,000 or $50,000.

If the value of an estate is below the threshold for a small estate, the process of administering the estate and selling the property can be simplified. In many states, small estates are eligible for streamlined probate procedures that allow for a quicker and easier resolution of the estate.

It's important to note that the rules and requirements for small estates can vary greatly from state to state.

For example, in some states, a small estate can be settled without going through the traditional probate process, which can save time and money. Additionally, the sale of a property in a small estate may not require court approval, which can streamline the process further.

So, how to proceed.

Usually you’ll need to check if the estate qualifies for small estate category. If so, you’ll require to fill-out a Small Estate Affidavit which is a legal document used to transfer the assets of a deceased person who died without a will to the inheritors in a simplified manner, typically when the estate is worth less than a certain amount (varies by state).

To obtain a Small Estate Affidavit, you can check the rules and requirements in the state where the deceased person lived. You can usually find Small Estate Affidavit templates on the website of the relevant state government or probate court. You can also search for them on websites that offer legal forms and templates. 

In general, it's recommended to seek the assistance of an attorney to ensure the form is filled out correctly and all necessary steps are taken.

In conclusion, a small estate can provide a big advantage for selling vacant land property because it can simplify the probate process and save time and money. However, it's important to understand the rules and requirements for small estates in your state before proceeding with the sale. 

Reducing Your Taxes When Selling Vacant Land

Few Ideas on how you could reduce your Taxes on Land Sales

If you're selling vacant land, you may be concerned about the taxes that you'll owe. While taxes are an unavoidable part of selling property, there are several steps you can take to minimize the amount of taxes to pay. In this blog, we'll go over some of the ways what you could do when selling your vacant land.

Maximize Your Cost Basis for Capital Gains Tax

Capital gains tax is a federal tax that is levied on the sale of property. It is calculated based on the difference between the sales price of the property and the cost basis of the property. 

Your cost basis is the amount you paid for the property plus any improvements you made. The higher your cost basis, the lower your capital gains tax will be when selling your property. To maximize your cost basis, you should keep good records of any improvements you make to the property and make sure to factor them into your cost basis calculation.

1031 Exchange

A 1031 exchange is a type of tax-deferred exchange that allows you to defer the payment of taxes on the sale of a property by rolling the profits from the sale into a new property. There are multiple rules that need to be followed to be able to capitalize on this strategy. Get informed about them consulting the tax professional who works in this area. 

Tax Deductions 

There are several tax deductions that may be available to you when selling. For example, you may be able to deduct cost of selling, such as real estate commission fees, advertising costs, and legal fees. 

If you have owned the property for less than one year, any profits from the sale of the property will be taxed as ordinary income. In case if you owned for more than one year, the profits will be taxed as a long-term capital gain, which is generally taxed at a lower rate than ordinary income.

Timing is Key

The timing of your sale can also have an impact on the taxes you'll owe. If you're in a higher tax bracket, selling your property in a year when you're in a lower tax bracket may reduce your taxes. In addition, selling at the end of the year, rather than the beginning, may allow you to defer paying taxes until the next year.

In conclusion, there are several ways to reduce your taxes when selling your vacant land. Maximizing your cost basis, considering a 1031 exchange, taking advantage of tax deductions, and timing your sale can all help to reduce the amount of taxes you'll owe on the sale of your property. 

Don't forget to consult with a tax professional or an attorney to ensure that you are taking advantage of all the tax benefits that may be available to you and to ensure that you are in compliance with all applicable tax laws.

Benefits of a 1031 Exchange for Vacant Land Sale

A few ideas why it could be interesting to check out the 1031 exchange

A 1031 exchange is a tax-deferred exchange that allows you to defer paying taxes on the sale of an investment property by rolling the profits from the sale into a new investment property. If you're selling a vacant land property, you may be able to take advantage of a 1031 exchange to defer paying taxes on the sale.

Here are some of the benefits of a 1031 exchange for a vacant land sale.

Defer Tax Liability

It allows you to defer paying taxes on the sale of your property, as long as you invest the profits from the sale into a new investment property. This can be a significant advantage if you're in a high tax bracket or if you're looking to reinvest the profits from your sale into another investment property.

Diversify Your Portfolio

You can diversify your portfolio by investing the profits from the sale of your property into a new investment property. This can help to reduce your risk and increase your potential for long-term growth.

Increased Buying Power

You could use the profits from the sale of your property to purchase a more expensive property. This can increase your buying power and help you to purchase a property that you may not have been able to purchase otherwise.

Tax-Free Exchange

You won't owe any taxes on the profits from the sale of your property as long as you reinvest the profits into a new investment property.

In conclusion, a 1031 exchange can be a valuable tool for deferring taxes on the sale of vacant land property.

However, it's important to consult with a tax professional or an attorney to ensure that you are in compliance with all applicable tax laws and regulations and to ensure that you are taking full advantage of all the benefits of a 1031 exchange.

Selling Rural Land Considerations

Unique Challenges and Opportunities to Keep in Mind

Selling rural land can be a unique experience compared to selling urban or suburban property. While there are some similarities, such as the need to prepare the land and market it, there are also several distinct challenges and opportunities to keep in mind. In this article, we will explore some of these unique aspects of selling rural land.



In conclusion, selling rural land can present some unique challenges, such as a limited buyer pool, unique zoning and regulations, and maintenance and upkeep requirements. However, it also offers unique opportunities, such as natural beauty and resources, potential for development, and privacy and seclusion. By understanding and effectively communicating these aspects to potential buyers, sellers can successfully market and sell their rural property.

Implications of Unpaid taxes

Unpaid property taxes can result in a lien on the property and prevent its sale until the taxes are paid off

When it comes to selling property, one of the biggest obstacles that a seller may face is unpaid property taxes. Unpaid property taxes can result in a lien on the property, which can prevent the sale of the property until the taxes are paid off. In this article, we'll explore how unpaid property taxes can affect the sale of a property and what steps can be taken to resolve this issue.

What are Property Taxes?

Property taxes are taxes that are imposed on the owner of a property by the local government. These taxes are used to fund local services such as schools, libraries, and public works projects. The amount of property taxes owed is typically based on the assessed value of the property, which is determined by the local government.

What Happens if Property Taxes are Unpaid?

If property taxes are left unpaid, the local government can place a lien on the property. A lien is a legal claim on the property that gives the government the right to seize the property if the taxes remain unpaid. Once a lien has been placed on the property, the owner will be unable to sell the property until the taxes are paid off.

In addition to placing a lien on the property, the local government may also charge interest and penalties on unpaid taxes. Over time, these charges can add up, making it even more difficult for the property owner to pay off the debt.

The good news is that we will cover all unpaid taxes, but here are ideas should you decide to proceed on your own.

How to Address Unpaid Property Taxes When Selling a Property

If you're selling a property with unpaid property taxes, there are several steps you can take to address the issue and ensure a smooth transaction:

In conclusion, unpaid property taxes can cause significant complications when selling a property. It's important to understand the impact of unpaid property taxes and take steps to address them before putting the property up for sale. By working with a knowledgeable real estate professional and taking proactive measures, you can ensure a smooth and successful transaction.

Legal Considerations When Selling Land

Understanding Zoning, Deed Restrictions, and More

When selling land, there are a variety of legal considerations that both the seller and buyer need to keep in mind. Understanding zoning laws, deed restrictions, and other legal requirements can help ensure a smooth and successful transaction. In this article, we will explore some of the key legal considerations to keep in mind when selling land.

Zoning Laws

Zoning laws are regulations that govern how land can be used within a particular area. Understanding these laws is crucial when selling land, as they can have a significant impact on its value and potential uses. For example, if the land is zoned for agricultural use, it may be more difficult to sell for commercial or residential development. On the other hand, if the land is zoned for mixed-use development, it may be more attractive to buyers with a variety of development plans.

It's important to research and understand the zoning laws in the area where the land is located before putting it on the market. This can help you accurately market the property and avoid any legal issues that may arise during the sales process.

Deed Restrictions

Deed restrictions are limitations placed on the use or development of a property by a previous owner. These restrictions are typically included in the property's deed and may include things like building height limitations, restrictions on the type of structures that can be built, or limitations on the use of the land.

Here are some typical deed restrictions for vacant land:

Before selling land, it's important to review the property's deed and understand any restrictions that may be in place. If there are restrictions that may impact the buyer's intended use of the property, it's important to disclose them upfront to avoid legal issues later on.

Environmental Regulations

Environmental regulations are laws that govern how land can be used in order to protect the environment. These regulations can include requirements for things like soil and water quality, wetland protection, and hazardous waste disposal. Depending on the location of the land and its previous uses, there may be environmental regulations that impact its sale.

When selling land, it's important to research any environmental regulations that may apply to the property and ensure that all necessary permits and inspections are obtained before closing the sale.

Title Issues

Title issues refer to any legal issues with the ownership of the land. These issues can include things like liens, unpaid taxes, or boundary disputes. Before selling land, it's important to ensure that there are no title issues that could impact the sale. This can be done by conducting a title search and resolving any issues that are discovered before the sale is finalized.

Here are some of the most common title issues that can arise when selling land:

In conclusion, when selling land, it's important to consider and understand the various legal requirements and restrictions that may impact the sale. This includes researching and understanding zoning laws, reviewing the property's deed for any restrictions, complying with environmental regulations, and ensuring that there are no title issues that could impact the sale. By taking these steps, sellers can avoid legal issues and ensure a successful sale of their land.

Selling by Myself or with Realtor?

The Pros and Cons of Selling vacant Land on Your Own vs. Using a Real Estate Agent

Selling vacant land can be a complex process, and it's important to consider all of your options before making a decision. One of the biggest decisions you'll need to make is whether to sell the property on your own or work with a real estate agent. In this article, we'll discuss the pros and cons of each approach to help you make an informed decision.

Selling Vacant Land on Your Own



Using a Real Estate Agent




Deciding whether to sell vacant land on your own or with a real estate agent is a personal decision that depends on your goals, expertise, and resources. Consider the pros and cons of each approach, and choose the option that aligns best with your needs and priorities. Whether you decide to sell on your own or with a real estate agent, taking the right steps can help you sell your land quickly and at a good price.

Required Probate Steps

Key steps of the Probate Process

Probate is a legal process that occurs after someone has passed away, where the court oversees the distribution of the decedent's assets. If you are planning on probating vacant land, there are some important steps that you need to take to ensure a smooth process. In this article, we will discuss some of the things you need to know before starting a probate process for vacant land.

How to Probate Vacant Land

If you are planning to probate vacant land, here are some steps you need to follow.

Hire an Attorney

The first step is to hire an attorney specialised in probate law. An attorney will help you navigate the probate process and ensure that all legal requirements are met.

Identify and Value the Land

The next step is to identify and value of your vacant land. You will need to provide a legal description of the property and its value at the time of the decedent's death. This can be done by hiring an appraiser or using a tax assessment value.

Notify Heirs and Creditors

Once the vacant land has been identified and valued, you will need to notify the heirs and creditors of the decedent's death. This can be done by publishing a notice in a local newspaper.

Pay Debts and Taxes

Before distributing the assets, all debts and taxes owed by the decedent must be paid. This includes any property taxes owed on the vacant land.

Distribute the Assets

Finally, once all debts and taxes have been paid, the vacant land can be distributed according to the decedent's will or state law. This may involve selling the land and distributing the proceeds or transferring ownership to the heirs.

In conclusion, probating vacant land can be a complicated process, but with the help of an attorney and careful attention to detail, it can be done smoothly. It is important to identify and value the land, notify heirs and creditors, pay debts and taxes, and distribute the assets according to the decedent's will or state law. By following these steps, you can ensure that the probate process for vacant land is completed successfully.

I want to sell, but the co-owner has deceased

How can I sell the land?

There are several steps that will be required in order to sell your share of the land in case the other owner has passed away.

Ownership structure

The first step would be to determine the ownership structure of the land. This will depend on the laws of the jurisdiction where the land is located, as well as any agreements or contracts that may be in place between the co-owners. In case there is a Deed you can retrieve the Deed from the County Register of Deeds and review its content in order to determine what options are available for selling your share of the land.

If the property was owned jointly with rights of survivorship, then the surviving spouse automatically becomes the sole owner of the property upon the death of the other spouse. However, if the property was owned as tenants in common, the deceased spouse's interest in the property would pass to their estate. As the inheritance laws might differ depending on the State it is important to seek legal advice.


If the deceased co-owner had a will, you should review it to determine what happens to the deceased owner's share of the land. Depending on the provisions of the will, you may need to work with the executor of the estate to sell their share of the land.


Determine the process for transferring ownership of their share of the land may involve working with the executor of the deceased co-owners' estate, or going through a legal process to transfer ownership. Quite often, a probate will be required for the given property.

Given the complexity of the situation, it is important to obtain legal advice from a qualified attorney who is familiar with the laws and procedures in the jurisdiction where the land is located. The attorney will be able to provide competent advise options for selling your share of the land and help you navigate the legal process.

Landlocked property

Things to know about owning a landlocked property

If you're a property owner with landlocked land, you may be wondering what kind of value you can expect for your property. Landlocked land is a property that has no direct access to a public road and therefore has no legal access.

The value of landlocked land can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, including the size of the property, its location, and the local real estate market conditions. 

Here are some key considerations in regard to landlocked property.

Access Easements

The most important factor in determining the market value of landlocked land is whether or not it can be accessed through an easement. An easement is a legal agreement that allows a property owner to use a portion of another property owner's land for a specific purpose, such as accessing their landlocked property.

No Access Easements
Owning landlocked vacant land comes with its fair share of disadvantages. 

In conclusion, owning landlocked vacant land can come with a number of cons. If your landlocked land has an easement in place that allows for access, it can significantly increase the value of your property. However, if no easement exists, the value most likely will be low since the majority of potential buyers will definitely be deterred by the lack of legal access and unclear perspectives in getting one.

Small Estate Affidavit

Required process steps

A small estate affidavit, referred to as an affidavit for personal property collection or a small estate declaration, serves as a legal document permitting the transfer of assets from a deceased individual's estate to their beneficiaries without necessitating a complete probate process. This method is applicable in specific states for estates that meet predetermined criteria, generally relating to the estate's overall asset value. It's important to note that the steps and prerequisites for a small estate affidavit can differ between states, so seeking advice from a legal professional familiar with your state's regulations is advised. Nevertheless, a general overview of the common steps can be provided:

Qualification: Begin by assessing whether the estate is eligible for the small estate affidavit process within your state. Eligibility usually hinges on factors such as the estate's total value, the nature of assets involved, and the existence of any outstanding debts or creditors.

Identify Affiant: The individual seeking to utilize the small estate affidavit route is often termed the "affiant." Typically, this is a beneficiary or heir entitled to the property under consideration. The affiant must present a sworn statement affirming their connection to the deceased and their entitlement to the assets.

Obtain the Form: Obtain the suitable small estate affidavit form from the local probate court or the court's official website. The form typically includes accompanying instructions for completion.

Compile Documentation: Gather essential documents to substantiate the details provided in the affidavit. This might involve the deceased's death certificate, any existing will, an inventory of the decedent's assets and liabilities, as well as any other requisite paperwork.

Complete the Affidavit: Thoroughly and accurately complete the small estate affidavit form. The document will typically necessitate details about the deceased person, their financial holdings, debts, beneficiaries, and the affiant's relationship to the decedent.

Sworn Statement: Within the affidavit, the affiant is required to make a sworn declaration, subject to potential legal consequences, attesting to the accuracy and truthfulness of the information provided.

Notarization: Most small estate affidavits require notarization. The affiant signs the affidavit in the presence of a notary public, who verifies the affiant's identity and acknowledges their signature.

File the Affidavit: Submit the duly completed and notarized small estate affidavit to the relevant probate court. A filing fee might be applicable at this stage.

Await Approval: The court reviews the affidavit and accompanying documents to ensure compliance with all requirements. Upon approval, the court issues an order authorizing the transfer of assets to the affiant or designated beneficiaries.

Asset Transfer: Armed with the court's approval, the affiant can utilize the order to acquire and transfer the specific assets listed in the affidavit. This process could entail presenting the order to financial institutions or other entities holding the assets.

It's worth noting that this process can entail nuances and variations dependent on state laws and the particulars of the estate. Engaging with a legal professional well-versed in your state's probate regulations is recommended to ensure adherence to the correct procedure and fulfillment of all prerequisites.

Probate in NC

What to expect

The duration and cost of probate in North Carolina can vary widely depending on factors such as the complexity of the estate, the presence of a will, the value and types of assets involved, potential disputes, and the efficiency of the legal process. While I can provide some general guidelines, it's important to consult with a legal professional in North Carolina for specific information tailored to your situation. Here are some rough estimates and examples:

Duration of Probate: Probate duration can range from several months to potentially over a year, depending on factors such as the complexity of the estate, the caseload of the local court, and any disputes that arise. Some estates with simple assets and no disputes might complete probate within 6 to 12 months, while more complex estates or those with disputes can take longer.

Cost of Probate: The cost of probate can also vary significantly. Below are some common expenses associated with probate and rough estimates of their costs. Keep in mind that these estimates are subject to change and can vary based on individual circumstances.


Remember, these are rough estimates and can vary significantly based on individual circumstances and the specific legal and financial aspects of the estate. Consulting with an experienced estate attorney in North Carolina is essential for accurate advice and estimates tailored to your situation.